The President shall appoint the following Committee:
Awards: The function of this Committee shall be to receive annually from the membership nominations for proposed recipients of the Association’s Eli Whitney Award to an outstanding individual in recognition of significant contributions made to law or science. The Committee will recommend proposed recipients to the Board of Governors for approval. The Committee shall consist of a chairman and four other members, at least three of the members of the Committee shall be past presidents of the Association, but no more than two Committee members shall be current members of the Board of Governors.
In addition to the elected Membership and Nominating Committees and the Awards Committee, the President may appoint three or more members to serve on each of the following standing Committees as Chairmen and committee members:
Constitution and By-Laws: The functions of this Committee shall be to consider and propose any changes in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. Recommendations of the Committee shall be submitted to the membership by the Chairman at the next business meeting of the Association, but only after notice containing a copy of the proposed changes has been mailed to each member not less than ten (10) days before the meeting.
Patent Office Relations: The functions of this Committee shall be to formulate policies and suggestions, obtain information regarding changes in Patent Office policies and procedures as far in advance as possible and either directly or through the Secretary of the Association, inform the membership of such suggestions and changes in order that it may take any appropriate action which shall be deemed advisable and authorize the Committee to express the views thereon of the Association to the Patent Office. No action shall be taken and no statements shall be made by the Committee, which expressly or impliedly are taken or made in the name of the Association until approval and authorization of the membership has first been obtained.
Patent Legislation: The functions of this Committee shall be to report to the Association at appropriate intervals on current pending and proposed legislation; and to propose to the membership any legislation which it shall deem advisable. No action shall be taken and no statements shall be made by the Committee, which expressly or impliedly are taken or made in the name of the Association, until approval and authorization of the membership has first been obtained.
National Council Representation: The functions of this Committee shall be to represent the positions of the Association in the National Council of Patent Law Associations, to report to the Association at regular intervals on the work of the National Council and the Association’s relations therewith, to be informed of and coordinate with the work of other committees of the Association having a bearing on the National Council, and to handle communications between the Association and the National Council. The Chairman of this Committee shall be the Association’s delegate to meetings of the National Council and the other members of the Committee shall be alternates, one of whom shall be designated by the Committee Chairman to attend any meeting the Chairman is unable to attend.
Trademark and Unfair Trade Practices Legislation: The duties and authority of this Committee shall be similar to those of the Patent Legislation Committee, but shall be restricted to matters relating to trademarks, copyrights and unfair trade practices.
Auditing: The duties of this Committee shall be the annual audit of the Treasurer’s accounts, to be reported at the Annual Meeting.
Public Relations: This Committee shall disseminate information concerning matters of interest to inventors, manufacturers, the general bar or the public.
Program: This Committee shall arrange programs and select speakers for the regular meetings of the Association, including the time, place and frequency of such meetings, all subject to approval by the Board of Governors.
It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to make nominations of candidates for office, Board of Governors and elected Committeemen and to notify the Secretary, at least twenty (20) days before the annual meeting following its selection, of the nominations it has made. The Secretary shall mail to all members of the Association, at least ten (10) days before the annual meeting, a list of the nominations made by the Nominating Committee.
Nominations of candidates for office, Board of Governors and elected Committeemen, other than those made by the Nominating Committee, may be made in writing, signed by any three (3) members of the Association and submitted to the Secretary not less than five (5) days before the annual meeting. A list of all such additional nominations shall be mailed to members by the Secretary at least three (3) days before the annual meeting.
All persons who are members as of the date of the adoption of these By-Laws shall be continued as such.
Each candidate for membership must be sponsored by two (2) members of the Association, and shall send to the Chairman of the Membership Committee his full name together with the complete street and city address of his principal office, and also such statement as shall be necessary to show his eligibility for membership and such additional statement as he may think proper.
The Membership Committee shall make careful inquiry into the character and standing of the candidate. If a candidate meets with the approval of the Membership Committee, the Committee shall circulate the candidate’s name and address to all members either directly or through the Secretary. Any member of the Association objecting to the admission to membership of the candidate shall communicate his objections in writing to the Secretary within a period of fifteen (15) days after notice of the application of the candidate for admission has been mailed to the members. All communications from such members respecting the candidate shall be considered by the Membership Committee before finally voting on the admission of the candidate. The decision of the Membership Committee shall be communicated to the Secretary in writing for transmittal by him to the candidate. If no communication respecting the candidate is received from any member during a period of fifteen (15) days after notice of the application of the candidate for admission has been mailed to the members, the candidate shall be deemed duly elected to membership and the Secretary shall enroll the applicant’s name in the roll of members and notify the candidate.
The proceedings and records of the Membership Committee shall be secret and confidential.