CIPLA Co-Sponsoring JPPCLE on May 2, 2019

The Connecticut Intellectual Property Law Association will be co-sponsoring the 35th Annual JPPCLE Seminar on May 2, 2019 at the Crowne Plaza Times Square in New York City. Featured Speakers include Marcus Meier, FTC Acting Director of the Bureau of Competition, and Keynote Speaker Honorable Kara Stoll, Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Earn up to 7.5 CT/NJ/NY CLE credits and 6.5 DE/PA CLE credits (including 1.0 Ethics credit).

Register now at

More information available at


Welcoming Our New Officers

The Lobster Bake and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Intellectual Property Law Association was held on June 14th on Penfield Beach in Fairfield, CT. We had great turnout and perfect weather! Grant Ehrlich of Cantor Colburn (above left) was elected as the new President of CIPLA for 2017-2018. Ben Lehberger of St. Onge Steward Johnston & Reens (above right) was recognized for his contributions as the 2016-2017 President of the organization.

Additional Officers elected for 2017-2018 include Michael Cartona of Grogan, Tuccillo & Vanderleeden as Vice President, Bob Dean of Ohlandt Greeley Ruggiero as Secretary, and Ben White of St. Onge Steward Johnston & Reens as Treasurer.

INTA Roundtable on “Non-Traditional Marks and the Traditional Practice”: February 17, 2017 at UConn School of Law

The UConn School of Law Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship Law Clinic will host a roundtable on Friday, February 17, 2017, sponsored by INTA (International Trademark Association) on “Non-Traditional Marks and the Traditional Practice.”

The roundtable will be held from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the law school campus at:
Janet M. Blumberg Hall
Hosmer Hall, 2nd Floor
65 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, Connecticut

Directions and a map of campus can be found at:

The panelists will be:

  • Professor Willajeanne Mclean, Distinguished Professor of Law, UConn School of Law
  • Andy I. Corea, Managing Partner, St.Onge Steward Johnston & Reens
  • Maria A. Scongio, Partner, Locke Lord LLP

These local experts will guide us through some of the more interesting aspects of trademark law, including sound marks, color marks and 3-D marks.

PLEASE NOTE THAT 1 HOUR OF CONNECTICUT CLE CREDIT WILL BE OFFERED FOR ATTENDANCE AT THIS PROGRAM. You must register on the INTA website at to attend the event. The cost is $50 for members and $75 for non-members. A buffet lunch is included.

We hope to see you there!

If you require reasonable accommodations for a disability, please contact UConn School of Law at (860) 570-5130 or at least two weeks in advance.

Save the Date: 33rd Annual JPPCLE on April 27, 2017

Save the Date! The CIPLA is a co-sponsor of the 33rd Annual JPPCLE on April 27, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Times Square in New York City. Featured Speakers include Drew Hirshfeld, USPTO Commissioner for Patents; Markus Meier, Assistant Director, U.S. Federal Trade Commission; and Keynote  Speaker, Hon. Richard Linn, Senior Circuit Judge of the Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit.  Earn 8.0 MCLE credits. More information at:

2016-2017 Dues Are Now Payable

The time has come to renew your membership in CIPLA.  Please also update your email address and status as appropriate.  You may renew and pay online at  Alternatively, you may download the renewal form and forward it with your dues check to:

Michael Cartona
Grogan, Tuccillo & Vanderleeden LLP
1350 Main Street
Suite 508
Springfield, MA 01103
t: (413) 736-5401 x1413

We encourage all IP law professionals in the area to join CIPLA, as the dues help fund our events throughout the year.  

We hope to see you at a CIPLA event soon.

International USPTO IP Opportunity

The USPTO’s Office of Human Resources has asked CIPLA to circulate information about a vacancy for an IP Rights Attorney Adviser, or IP Attaché, to work at the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait City, Kuwait.  From the USPTO:

“We are looking for someone who can serve as an IP expert—an individual with experience in international trade, legislative procedures and executive branch decision making related to IP. This individual will act as a resource on Middle East and North African intellectual property regimes for U.S. Government agencies and the U.S. industry.”

Below is a a flyer advertising the vacancy and a link to a profile of the current IP Attaché. To apply for the position, click HERE.






Paul Grewal, Deputy General Counsel at Facebook, Inc., to Speak at SABAC Awards Dinner

On September 14th, 2016, the South Asian Bar Association of Connecticut will hold its annual Awards Dinner in Hartford, Connecticut.  The speaker is Paul Singh Grewal, who is the Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of Worldwide Litigation at Facebook, Inc.  He is a former Federal Magistrate judge and has a background in IP litigation.

The members and friends of CIPLA are welcome and encouraged to attend.  The invitation at the below link includes additional details and a reservation form.


CIPLA Website Upgraded

We’re pleased to announce that the CIPLA website has been upgraded to include more functionality and better security.

One of the new features we’re sure you’ll enjoy is the ability to renew your membership AND reserve/pay for events online.

Each event page now includes a description of the event, a map and directions to the venue, and both a paper-based and online reservation form.

CIPLA Co-Sponsoring JPPCLE on April 21, 2016

CIPLA is proud to be a co-sponsor of the JPPCLE on April 21 at the New York Marriott Marquis. The JPPCLE is announcing its program and speakers here: 2016 PROGRAM AND SPEAKERS.

The program offers a wide variety of important, new IP topics. Featured speakers include Drew Hirshfeld, USPTO Commissioner for Patents, Nathan Kelley, Acting Chief Administrative Judge of the PTAB, and Hon. Kathleen O’Malley, Circuit Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit.

At the conclusion of the program, there will be a social gathering and cash bar for registered attendees in the Marriott’s Crossroads Lounge. This will be a great place for our members to meet and network.

Earn 8.5 NY/NJ CLE Credits including 1.0 Ethics. Earn 6.5 PA/DE CLE Credits including 1.0 Ethics.

To Register, Click HERE