CIPLA Bylaws (Continued, Page 3)


The fiscal year shall extend from September 1st to the following August 31st.

The annual dues of Active and Associate Members shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Governors, provided that in no case shall any annual dues exceed the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). The dues payable by Student Members shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Governors, provided that in no case shall any annual dues exceed the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). The dues of Active, Associate and Student Members shall become due and payable in advance on the first day of September of each such fiscal year except for new Active, Associate and Student Members admitted after the first day of March, in which case the dues shall be one-half the amount then in effect for the remainder of said fiscal year of admission.


Any person having been duly elected to membership shall be retained as a member in good standing until he is dropped for cause.

No person shall be deemed in good standing nor be entitled to receive or exercise any privilege of membership who is in arrears in the payment of his Association dues for four (4) months after the same shall be due.

If any member is in default on the payment of his Association dues for a period of four (4) months after the same shall have become due, the Treasurer shall forward to such member a statement of the amount then owing by him together with a notice that unless such amount is paid within one (1) month thereafter his name shall be stricken from the rolls of the Association for non-payment of dues. In the event that the name of such member is stricken from the rolls of the Association under the provisions of this Section, the membership and all rights in respect thereto of such member shall thereupon cease, provided that upon his written application to the Membership Committee and the payment of all dues to the date thereof, the Committee may reinstate him as a member.


Any member of the Association may be suspended or expelled for misconduct in his relations to the Association or in his profession. Disbarment of a member in the State or Judicial District in which he shall have been practicing, or by the Patent Office, shall ipso facto terminate the membership of such member in the Association.

A complaint against a member of the Association for misconduct in his relation to the Association may be made by any member of the Board of Governors who shall promptly bring it before the Board for necessary action. Every such complaint shall be in writing subscribed by the complaining party and shall state plainly the matter complained of. If the Board of Governors shall deem such complaint of sufficient importance, it shall cause a copy thereof, together with a notice of the time and place where the Board of Governors or a subcommittee of not less than three (3) members appointed by it, will meet for the consideration thereof, to be sent by registered mail to the member complained against and to the complainant at least ten (10) days before the meeting. At the time and place appointed, the Board of Governors or the sub-committee shall proceed to the hearing of the case under such regulations as the Board of Governors may approve. The Board of Governors, by the affirmative vote of at least five (5) of its members, all of whom must have heard the case, or by adopting the unanimous vote of its sub-committee as aforesaid, may find the accused member to be guilty of the charge against him and may adjudge that he be expelled or suspended and shall notify the membership of its decision. But the decision of the Board of Governors shall not become effective until forty (40) days after notice thereof shall have been given to the membership at the next annual meeting or a special meeting duly called for the purpose if the next annual meeting does not come within such forty (40) day period.


The Constitution or By-Laws of the Association may be amended at any annual meeting of the Association, or at any special meeting called for that purpose, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting after notice thereof, including a copy of the proposed amendment with precise statement of the purpose thereof, shall have been mailed to each member of the Association not less than ten (10) days before the meeting at which the proposed amendment shall be voted upon; provided, however, a three-fourths vote shall be necessary in the case of any amendment involving a change in the Certificate of Incorporation.

Upon the consideration of any amendment proposed as herein provided other amendments germane thereto may be offered and voted upon at the same meeting.


These By-Laws shall take effect and be in force immediately upon their adoption.

Adopted May 20, 1947

Amended May 24, 1951

Amended October 30, 1951

Amended June 17, 1954

Amended December 1, 1960

Amended July 27, 1963

Amended August 8, 1964

Amended December 3, 1964

Amended October 4, 1966

Amended December 5, 1966

Amended February 18, 1971

Amended May 17, 1974

Amended April 8, 1975

Amended March 31, 1976

Amended May 20, 1988

Amended March 27, 1997

Amended December 15, 2001


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